PULP大輪とイラストレーター Luis Mendo のクリエイティブチームが日本初上陸のデザインイベント "Adobe Creative Jam"(当日発表されたテーマにそって表現を競い合う即興コンテスト)にて Best Visual Design 賞を受賞しました。テーマは「ペンは剣よりも強し」でした。

Hideki Owa (PULP) & Illustrator Luis Mendo have participated in the Adobe Creative Jam tournament, a 3-hour design charrette showdown based on a theme revealed at the event—the theme phrase for the Tokyo event was "the pen is mightier than the sword" by Yukichi Fukuzawa. Luis and Hideki won the Best Visual Design award.


Creativity is the only way to truly break free from and transcend the constraints we're given—the negative becomes positive; the meek become mighty; the canvas reveals new layers. When we were given this particular phrase as inspiration, we were given the perfect opportunity to demonstrate that and more.

July 2015
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