Employer branding video
Episode 1: The start of your new career adventure (00:02:01)
Episode 2: Discover a better way to work (00:01:50)
Episode 3: Discover a better place to work (00:02:01)
数々のユニークな宿泊施設と人々をつなげる世界最大級の宿泊予約サイトBooking.comのGlobal Employer Brandチームと共に、東京オフィスを舞台にした5本の映像からなるBooking.com Japanの会社紹介ムービーをPULPが企画・制作しました。
Booking.com is one of the largest travel e-commerce companies in the world, with 200 offices in 70 countries worldwide. PULP was approached by the Booking.com Employer Brand team to plan, direct, and produce a series of branding videos to support their recruitment strategies in Japan.
Each video in the series of five features interviews with Booking.com Japan staff, presenting an intimate and authentic perspective of what life is like at the company. At the same time, the camera follows a pair of travelers as they explore Tokyo, helping to highlight the importance of the personal connections between Booking.com staff and their customers.
Booking.com is one of the largest travel e-commerce companies in the world, with 200 offices in 70 countries worldwide. PULP was approached by the Booking.com Employer Brand team to plan, direct, and produce a series of branding videos to support their recruitment strategies in Japan.
Each video in the series of five features interviews with Booking.com Japan staff, presenting an intimate and authentic perspective of what life is like at the company. At the same time, the camera follows a pair of travelers as they explore Tokyo, helping to highlight the importance of the personal connections between Booking.com staff and their customers.
Episode 4: Supporting the travel community (00:02:07)
Episode 5: Sharing Japan with the world (00:01:51)
Visit “Booking.com Japan Careers” playlist on YouTube
Creative Director / Film Director: Hideki Owa (PULP)
Producer / Film Director / Editor: Toshiyuki Sugai
Director of Photography / Editor: Renki Yamasaki
Camera Operators: Daisuke Oki & Renki Yamasaki
Camera Production Assistant: Kaede Nakazato
Copywriter / Interviewer: Shoichi Kitauchi (exwrite)
Designers: Hideki Owa & Dan Vaughan (PULP)
Music Composer / Sound Editor: Go Hiyama
Sound Technician: Shoko Tsuji (NAKED)
Sound Engineer: Sumimasa Morita (Fireworks)
Makeup & Hair Stylists: Junko Ota & Hiromi Horie
Client: Booking.com (Employer Brand)
June 2019