Sasazuka Bowl



Affectionately referred to as “Sasabo” by the locals, the Sasazuka Bowl serves as a dynamic hub for communication, embraced by many generations. It offers a unique combination of bowling, dining, and various events, all in one place.

PULP undertook the redesign of the website to not only enhance its readability and usability but also to reflect the modernized image of Sasazuka Bowl on its 50th anniversary. This redesign has successfully improved the reservation process, increasing visitor numbers. 

Visit website — Japanese

Director / Designer: Hideki Owa (PULP)
Copywriters: Hideki Owa (PULP) & Shoichi Kitauchi (exwrite)
Technical Director / Programmer: Kouhei Yamamoto (eggraphix)
Client: Keiokosan Inc.

November 2023
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